This semester’s selection is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The story begins in Kabul, Afghanistan in the peaceful years before the coup and the Soviet invasion. It is about a boy, who feels the presence of the mother he never knew in the books she left behind; and his father—a successful man, larger than life, a man’s man; and the son of the father’s lifelong servant, who is the boy’s playmate and friend, illiterate, but smart and sensitive and good.
The boy is loved by his father, but he does not feel it--and by the servant’s son, but he does not value it.
In striving to win his father’s approval, the boy betrays the servant’s son and must live with that betrayal all of his life.
Now an internist in California, the author, Khaled Hosseini, was a boy in Kabul during the years about which he writes.
We think you will find The Kite Runner to be A Good Read!
The boy is loved by his father, but he does not feel it--and by the servant’s son, but he does not value it.
In striving to win his father’s approval, the boy betrays the servant’s son and must live with that betrayal all of his life.
Now an internist in California, the author, Khaled Hosseini, was a boy in Kabul during the years about which he writes.
We think you will find The Kite Runner to be A Good Read!