Monday, February 12, 2007

How to Add Your Comment to “A Good Read!” Blog

First, you must have an account as a “blog contributor”:

  1. Click on “Blogger Account” (right column)
  2. Click on “Create your blog now” (orange arrow)
  3. Fill out the form to “Create a Google account” and click “Continue”

Note #1: At this point, you can create your own blog. However, whatever you post to your own blog will NOT show up on the “A Good Read” blog.

Second, verify your email address. When you clicked “Continue” above, Google sent out a verification email to your inbox.

  1. Access your email account and open the “Google Email Verification” message
  2. Click on the link provided
  3. A new window will open showing that Google has verified your email address.
  4. Click on “Click here to continue”

Note #2: Although you now have another opportunity to create your own blog, if your intention is to post a comment, return to the “A Good Read!” blogspot.

Third, post to the “A Good Read” blogspot.

  1. Return to the “A Good Read” blogspot . You will notice that your email address is listed in the top line of the blog showing that you are logged in. (The “Dashboard” next to your email address will bring you back to the point where you were in Note #2. You can use this at any time in the future to create your own blog.)
  2. Click on the title of the discussion you want to join. Any additional posts to the original one will be in the left column. There will be a textbox in the right column for you to “Leave your comment.” (Note: if you don't see a textbox, scroll down a bit and look for the "Post a Comment" link. Clicking there will bring you to the textbox.) Type your contribution to the discussion. You may add your comment immediately by clicking on “Publish your comment,” or you preview your comment by clicking on “preview.” In the preview mode, your comment will appear on the left in a yellow box. This is the way it will look once it’s published. You can make any changes you wish to make in the textbox on the right. When you’re satisfied, click either the blue “publish this comment” link in the left column or the “publish your comment” arrow in the right column. You’re done!