Thursday, February 08, 2007

Afghanistan Revealed

Have you seen this film? Exchange your ideas about the film here.


Anonymous said...
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elena22/7 said...

This documentary is really interesting, and deppresing at the same time. It shows, all the difficulties that these people have to pass in order to survive. Also, the suffering of the everyday life in Ahganistan.

22-6 said...
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cesar22-08 said...

In my opinion, the film "Afghanistan Revealed" was very interesting and educational. It opened my eyes to the real world of the people living there as they experience war in their own country. It shows the rise and fall of a leader who was the hope for a better Afghanistan. Still, there is hope as his legacy continues.

22-6 said...

this film is very interesting, although it shows more the political side of afghanistan.

22-24 said...

Watching this film open my eyes about the Afghanistan people,all of them are not bad.It also made me know more about our president (Bush), he knew about the attacks on 9-11 before they happened and still did nothing about them.

The SonicGamer22-10 said...

This film, to me, reveals how one ambitious man tried to make his country better. He was there for his country from the beginning, helping to drive out the Soviet forces, to the end, where he tried to run out the Taliban. I became connected to him an hismilitary career, hoping that he would win. I was shocked at how his life was ended. Still ,his dream does live on for a better Afghanistan.

AnaMary said...

This film I really enjoyed and it help me understand more their life.

22-05 said...

This video made me realize that President Bush doesn't know how to handle things. He knew that the the Afghaistan people were going to do something extremely bad if we didn't do what they asked us to do. So in a way he knew about the terriorist attack on September 11, 2001 and why the Afghanistan people did that. Now he's in a big mess and he doesn't know how to fix it. All he's doing is sending the soldiers over there but thats not going to stop anything.How are you going to go to war with a country that's in a war with themselves. But this film made me realize that the Afghanistan arent that bad.

Diana22-28 said...

The film reveals the truth about Afhganistan. Masud was a courageous man and would have been a excellent president for the Afghans

19-9 said...

This film changed my whole perspective towards afghanistan. When Afghanistan will always come to mind i always thought that all of them were the same regarding following the taliban and its leader Osama Bin Laden. That all of them had the same beliefs and were bad people and restricted the women of many things. But truly, i found out it's really not like that. Afghan people are actually good normal people that follow good principles. The ones that brought all this suffering and misery to this country was the taliban who invaded Afghanistan and took over the country. The hard line Taliban fighters took a stronger grip over the whole nation and imposing very strict Muslim law on the Afghanistan population. And this led to the destruction of this country. So pretty much this video made me look at things differently and see how Afghan people are not what i thought.

19,12 said...

This documentary was really good.It lets you see what people go through in afghanistan.People suffer too much.Its upsetting seeing this.

19-19 said...

Given the circumstances in the US i never thought that Afghanistan was as poor and poverty stricken. I always based my judgement on the whole 9/11 situation and biasedly gave the US the right in the whole bitter "war." Watching this movie truly opened my eyes about the destitute of the land and people of Afghanistan. I for one am in the military and have not yet gone to Iraq or Afghanistan but will go on June 22nd. Having watched this movie has changed my perspective and attitude about not only defending my base and comrades but the decent and loyal people of Afghanistan who struggle to catch up with time and their fight against Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

leo said...

This documentary is very educational as in we got an insight to how these people live. i loved how the photographer got to reunite with her after so many years. and i liked how we even see some how these people live in poverty do to war and war lords <21><25>